Home » Ask the experts: Is masturbate with porn counts as cheating?

Ask the experts: Is masturbate with porn counts as cheating?

Your Question:

Dear Experts,

sometimes I Masturbate with female porn.(I am a guy), I have a girl friend is this cheating?


The Answer:

Dear back2back,

Pornography (also known as porn or porno) is sexually arousing imagery. Some people prefer to call it erotica because they reserve the word pornography to describe material that they consider offensive and obscene. One person’s erotica can be another person’s pornography and vice versa.

In any case, many people enjoy using pornography or erotica as a part of their sex play — alone or with a partner. Most people do not consider looking at porn or masturbating to be cheating on a partner, but some people might. The only way to figure out how you and your girlfriend feel about this is to talk about it. Sometimes sex is hard to talk about and it’s ok to acknowledge that — but not talking about important issues in a relationship can lead to problems in the long run.

Hope this information helps!

Take care,

teenwire.com® Editors

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