Dear Experts,
hi the other day my mom was talking about her gay friend and said that there was this thing called a snowball that gay guys do to each other. I was just wondering what a snowball is?
Dear loveya,
“Snowball” is slang for exchanging semen from one person’s mouth to another during sex play. Some heterosexual and some homosexual partners “snowball”. Most straight and gay couples, however, avoid snowballing because it is not the safest way to have oral sex. Others just don’t like the idea of doing it.
While there is nothing dangerous about swallowing semen per se, it can carry sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, hepatitis, or HIV. That’s why for safer oral sex, partners avoid taking one another’s body fluids into their mouths. Some of those who decide to take ejaculate into their mouths spit it out. Others decided to swallow it.
Although the risks of sexually transmitted infections are generally much lower with unprotected oral sex than they are with unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse, using a barrier during oral sex can further decrease those risks. Glyde® dams make good barriers for oral sex on a woman. Condoms make good barriers for oral sex on a man. Many people prefer latex or plastic barriers that are non-lubricated or flavored for oral sex.
Hope this information helps!
Take care,
teenwire® Editors
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