Dear Experts,
I heard that you should not have sex in the water because the suction can get you stuck together. A book I read said that if you put salt in your mouth while you’re doing it, you won’t get pregnant.
Dear Ginger,
Nope. These are both total myths! Two people will NOT get stuck together from having sex in the water. And putting salt in your mouth does NOT prevent pregnancy!
It’s smart thinking to not always believe what you may hear or read, and to check with a reliable source. Remember — any type of sex play that puts semen in contact with the vulva or gets it into the vagina can cause pregnancy. Teens who have vaginal intercourse need to make choices about birth control. There are many options. The condom is one example of effective birth control. And they are the only form of contraception that protects against many sexually transmitted infections, too.
Hope this information helps!
Take care,
teenwire® Editors
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