Your Question:
Dear Experts,
Im 14 and think I’m pregnant. If I go to a clinic to get tested will my mom find out? If I’m pregnant can I have a medical abortion without my mom’s permission?
devilchik, 01.07.02
The Answer:
The first thing a woman who is worried about being pregnant needs to do is to find out for sure if she is. The surest way to find out is to have a pregnancy test, either with a home pregnancy kit or by going to a health clinic. Women can call 1-800-230-PLAN to schedule a confidential pregnancy test at the nearest Planned Parenthood health center.
It helps if you and your parents talk openly, honestly, and often about sensitive issues, including sex, unintended pregnancy, and a woman’s options for dealing with it — raising a child, placing a child for adoption, or having an abortion. We understand, however, that talking with parents isn’t always possible.
The law in many states requires a minor to inform a parentor to receive parental consent before an abortion. The laws vary from state to state. Sometimes another adult is allowed to give the necessary consent. The Supreme Court has ruled, however, that there must be another option to parental notification or consent for a minor. It is called “judicial bypass.” In judicial bypass, a judge can either rule that the young woman is mature enough to make this decision without a parent’s consent, or that she is not mature enough to make this decision without informing them.
Here is a list of parental consent and notification laws for abortion in the United States.
Hope this information helps!
Take care,® Editors
This column is for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a medical problem, please call toll-free 1-800-230-PLAN for an appointment with the Planned Parenthood health center nearest you.